Spoon 17 of 52 – The Japanese Sushi Server in Juniper

option 8

Found a branch of juniper cut down whilst hiking past a nearby farm a few weeks ago. Juniper is a protected species in Finland and quite rare compared to the other dominant species, so pretty chuffed I found it.

This spoon was inspired by similar designs I have seen on the internet recently and thought I’d try one myself. Still takes me ages to make them, if I were a spoon maker a would be broke! Still managed to make all of them so far with just hand tools, so might try to continue doing that for the rest of the year. Still a week behind but will hopefully finish this weeks spoon over the next few days to catch up.




2 thoughts on “Spoon 17 of 52 – The Japanese Sushi Server in Juniper

  1. Pingback: Spoon 31 of 52 – The Cinnamon Spoon in Finnish Juniper | Chris Mount

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